What may come as a surprise is that Driver: San Francisco is the ninth game in the official series, including two mobile phone games but not including three spiritual successors.

Because of the games’ niche appeal Reflections had a hard time getting the original audience back after Driv3r. While both had their positive sides, neither managed to keep the magic of the Driver series at full speed. Stuntman eliminated the open world setting in exchange for linear, heavily scripted action sequences.and Driv3r went the opposite direction by incorporating on-foot shooting segments. Then came Stuntman (a spiritual successor) and Driv3r. Once again, Film Director mode was a boon for showing off clips to get your friends in the mood for some splitscreen games of car tag. Driver 2 added free roam mayhem for two players in split screen, plus the ability to leave your car and steal others, Grand Theft Auto-style. One of them is Driver, the original sandbox vehicular action game from Reflections Interactive and the start of an extremely long-running series.ĭriver included a Film Director mode that added hours upon hours of replayability: drive, record, edit film, repeat.

There is also a cops and robbers split screen mode.You know those games that sit on your shelf, the ones that you’ll never be able to bring yourself to get rid of? The ones that you keep, just in case you decide to play it once more for nostalgia’s sake? I’ve got a small handful of those. The variants are Capture the flag, in which the players must grab a flag and drive it to a specific location, Pass the Bomb, in which players must pass a bomb from car to car before a timer counts down, ending the game, Gold Rush, in which the players must grab a bag of money and hold on to it for points, and elimination, in which players must race each other. The split screen mode includes four game variants. There is also a four player split-screen multiplayer. The DS device can be used to make roadblocks, look for police and buy player 1 some more time through playing various mini games. A new feature for the Wii is the localized multi-player, where a second player may take control of the gun or, if they desire, can connect a DS, DSi or 3DS system through download play. Upgrade points can be earned by doing various tricks and earning awards around the city. There is a maximum of four levels for each upgrade. All weapons can be upgraded in the following categories: clip size, reload speed, and damage.

The SMG, the pistol, the shotgun, the assault rifle and the RPG are all the weapons available in the game. The Wii version of the game does not include the "Shift" mechanic but allows players to use guns while driving.